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Roleplay (3): Invitations 招待

Script  (セリフ)

Austin: "Emily, do you have any plans this weekend?"

Emily: "Hmmm...not so far. Why? What do you have in mind?"

Austin: "I'm throwing a party at my house on Saturday night, if you wanna come?? I'm thinking of having some games, everyone's gonna bring some food, and yeah, just like chill for a while!"

Emily: Ooooo! Wait, that sounds like a lot of fun! What time were you thinking?

Austin: Uhh, I don't know, [at] maybe like 8 or 9ish people will probably start showing up around then, if you want to, [come then too]. But yeah, you should definitely come! It's gonna be a good time!

Emily: I would love to, yeah! Is it okay if I bring a friend, or is it like a set group kind of thing? Or...

Austin: Oh no, yeah yeah yeah! Bring whoever you want! It's totally like a laidback thing, so...

Emily: Very cool! Well awesome, thank you so much for inviting me.

Austin: Oh my god yeah, of course. Hope to see you there!

Emily: Mmmhmm!

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